General Meeting - September 12th 2024

LPSG General Meeting 


Lincoln Elementary Library 



Board Introductions: Jennalee Garcia-Montero & Julie Bowman – President 

Skyla Boivin – Treasurer 

Nicole Hryciw – Secretary 

Members in attendance: Torun, Tyler, Jenny, Patti, Maygualida, Quentin, Florisela, Jeric, Madalyn, Jamie, Jen 

Staff Attendance: Sarita Williams – Principal, Judit Torrents – FCRC, Linda Pickering, Teacher 


Treasurer Report – Skyla 

Total monies in checking and savings combined is $26,240.56 

September Expenses - -$450 spent on the staffs first day back breakfast 

-$175 spent on fish tank maintenance 

-$220 spent on our website renewal 

-$50 spent on office supplies for incoming treasurer 

September Income- -$189.28 from Burgerville fundraiser. That amount does not Include online orders 

-$50 Kroger rewards 

Upcoming Expenses- -Conference week budget is $250 to supply meals to teachers during their long days of conferences.  

Treasurer Notes: -Please don't forget to sign up for Kroger rewards and box tops.  

Can sign up for both on their respective phone apps.  


Principal Report: Ms. Williams intends to come to most general meetings to give a principal's report. We just received a new Kindergarten teacher, Crystal McCallister. As of this week, a new teacher has been brought in for 3rd grade, to lessen the student/teacher ratio. Right now, there is a long-term sub in 4th grade to cover Alexis Altrichter’s maternity leave, but there is a possibility that that sub might be changed to another.  

Conference night is coming up. Teachers will have class and grade specific volunteer opportunities. Examples of opportunities will be helping stuff go home folders, helping kids with flash cards, and production needs. The new librarian might also have some things that she needs help with, like shelving books, since she is only at Lincoln part time. Jenny Grimaldi made a comment that she helped last year with organizing the supply closet. 


FCRC Report – Judit Torrents 

Judit is Lincolns FCRC staff. She helps support Students and their families. She provides basic support to Lincoln families. She also works closely with the LPSG.  

Please be on the lookout for emails and monthly newsletters that ask for volunteers. She is specifically looking for people who are able to be a lunch buddy. A lunch buddy is someone who comes to have lunch and spend recess with a student who is preferably not their child. The more the merrier, as the list of students who benefit from this program is big, while the adult volunteer list is small.  

Judit also received a rather large used book donation, that Judit might be needing help to either stock a shelf outside the building, or to place in Little Libraries around the neighborhood.  


This year's events – Jennalee Garcia-Montero 

Staff have come out in full force to help lead some of our events! 

The Scholastic book fair: Coming up on October 14-18. It will be housed in room 101. We are looking for volunteers to help kids shop and check out.  

Family Restaurant nights: Chuck E. Cheese is coming up on October 18th. We are looking for volunteers to stand at the door to help promote. Hoping to find a volunteer to wear our mascot costume, Linc, to also help promote.  

Craft Fair: Scheduled for November 16th at Trinity Lutheran Church. This is a profit event, that helps promote entrepreneurship. We are looking for volunteers to help plan this event.  

Lincoln Lights: Last year, the Lincoln Lights was a quickly planned event. This year, there will be more planning involved. 1st grade teacher, Kristin Andre is the lead on this event. Looking for volunteers to help plan and set up this fun event. 

Holiday Market: All loggers get to shop with volunteers for their families. This year, we are using a company to supply product. All Saints supplies Lincoln with fundraised money for kids who do not bring money from home, so all kids get to shop. We are looking for quite a lot of volunteers to help the kids shop and check out.  

Logger Laps: Last week of April. For profit event that promotes exercise. 4 days (M-Th) with the top running class being presented the golden award at the Assembly on Friday. Prizes handed out the next week. Looking for volunteers to help plan this event, and also to be a sign holder (holding up encouraging signs while the kids run/jog/walk/skip etc.) and to help collect popsicle sticks used to count laps.  

Culture Night: May 1st. Last year was a quickly planned pop up event. Trying to do more planning this year, since it was a big hit last year. Last year, 8 different cultures were celebrated in 2 hours. There were crafts, projects, food, dancing, and more! 3rd grade students have a heavy participation in this event. Looking for volunteers to help set up and man stations at the event.  

Staff Appreciation: May 5-9th. Week-long event to help spoil our staff. We usually don't get enough volunteers for this event, so this year we are hoping for more. Looking for Volunteers to help plan, set up, look for donations, etc.  

End of year BBQ: Last day of school. Jen Ward has been our fabulous volunteer lead the last few years. Last year, we had Nutritional Services supply most of the food, which helped keep the event easy. Planning on using them again this year. We are looking for volunteers to help organize event, set up, and hand out food.  

5th Grade Graduation: Requires major fundraising, as the LPSG only provides $600. Looking for volunteers to help plan, set up, and look for donations from the community. You would be working directly with our 5th Grade teachers.  



We were asked about getting cleared by the district to volunteer. All volunteers must be cleared by the district. It usually takes less than 48 hours after submitting form, to be approved. Please email Julie at for more information about getting cleared to volunteer.  

We were asked about time constraints when it comes to volunteering. Most events take at most, 2-3 meetings with the committee to plan things out. After that, it just depends on what tasks you take on. We welcome anybody to volunteer. Even if it's just for an hour. Every minute of volunteering helps! 

Linda Pickering brought up that the Talent show is a go for this year. Linda and Lisa Mackintosh are heading that committee. Date TBD. Please look out for more info on that event, and what volunteers may be needed. 

Judit Torrents brought up that we are in need of volunteers for Lincoln’s Makers Space. This involves working directly with students during their recess to make fun crafts. Look out for more info for volunteer needs.  


Thank you to everyone who came!  

Meeting end time: 6:30 pm 

General Meeting April 11th 2024

Lincoln Parent Staff Group (LPSG) General Meeting

Thursday 4/11/2024 2:45pm FCRC

Treasurers report
Bank account: $28,084.24

$300 Logger Laps

$1,000 Staff apperciation

$600 5th grade celebration

$2,783 Teacher Reimbursement

$165 Student Store

Upcoming expenses

Fish guy

Upcoming income

$700 donation for staff appreciation

$1,082 Crom Chuck E Cheese for next years teachers reimbursement

Agenda Overview

  • Treasurers Report

  • Schoolbased report- Miss Judit

    • Green Team

    • Garden

    • Cultural fair

    • Tiles of belonging

  • Active events overview

    • Logger Laps

    • Restaurant nights

    • Staff appreciation

  • Fifth grade committee report

    • Fundraising ideas

    • Planning committee meeting date

Board meeting voting

-Proposed placements

  • Co-presidents: Jenalee and Julie

  • Treasurer: Skyla

  • Secretary: Nicole

    Votes = All voted Yes

    - Open Positions

  • Vice President

General Meeting - May 3rd, 2023

GENERAL MEETING - May 3rd, 2023

-Lincoln Parent Staff Group (LPSG) General Meeting

-3:45p.m. May 3rd, Lincoln Playground

Start: 3:45pm


Arwen Flynn - President

Jennalee Garcia-Montero - Vice President

Allison Hooper - Secretary

Nicole Hryciw - Treasure

Jennifer Ward  - Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lindblom - Principal

Judit Torrents - FCRC coordinator

Harrison Bardo - Associate Principal

Officers Reports:

Treasurer - Nicole Hryciw

Bank Account Balance:

  • Current bank account balances: Checking - $19,627.74 / Savings - $10,018.76

  • $568.98 - Reserved for the 5th Grade Fund, from the Wreath Fundraiser.

  • $600.00 - LPSG donates to 5th Grade Celebration.

  • $3,319.00 - Reserved for Teacher Reimbursement Fund - Receipts need to be turned in by the end of the year.

  • $1,000.00 - Reserved for Teacher Appreciation Budget.

  • Available Funds: $24,158.48

Recent Expenses:

  • $83.40 - Logger Laps 

  • $224.65 - Movie Night

  • $14.00 - Student Store

  • $250.00 - Fish Tank Cleaning

Recent Income:

  • $132.35 - Movie Night

  • $53.57 - Kroger

  • Logger Laps donations still to come

Committee Reports:

Old / Past Events / Business:

Logger Laps

  • Total of 4,000 laps! 

  • Donations are still coming in, hoping to have all donations by the week of 5/08/23. 

  • C: Judit: Fundraiser was a positive experience for the kids spirit and health.

  • C: Jennalle: All Saints is interested in sponsoring a child from each grade next year.

  • C: Harrison: Incorporate some fun and silly incentives for next year’s logger laps prizes like slime the principal.

New / Upcoming Events / Business:

End Of The Year BBQ

  • C:Arwen - Need a lead to volunteer. A: Judit - Will take the lead with Jennifer Ward.

  • LPSG can cover the cost for the BBQ.

  • All Saints can help with volunteers.

Lincoln Listening Session:

  • Tuesday, May 9th 5pm-6pm

  • Dinner, childcare and interpreter provided

  • Encourages parents to give feedback on: 

    • Curriculum and the content kids learn.

    • School Safety.

    • Communication with students and parents.

    • How do students and parents feel at school?

  • C: Judit: Would like to continue next year. Likes getting feedback from parents and wants to make improvements where needed.

  • Some changes that have come from Parent concerns from the Listening sessions:

    • More staffing for the playground.

    • Non - gender bathrooms.

Rescheduled Family Dance:

  • Reschedule date 5/11/23.

  • Planning is going well.

  • Guests entering through NW doors.

  • Make sure all kids have a parent with them.

  • No in and out privileges.

Teacher Appreciation Week:

  • Planning is going well; something special setup for everyday of the week.

  • Looking for more volunteers to help set up.

LPSG Elections for 2023-2024:

  • Board members NOT returning for the year 2023-2024:

    • Jennifer Ward  - Not returning to Volunteer Coordinator

  • Allison Hooper - Not returning to Secretary

  • Megan Brannen - Not returning to Treasure

  • Returning Board Members - Voted In

    • Arwen Flynn - President - Unanimous Yes

    • Jennalee Garcia-Montero - Vice President - Unanimous Yes

    • Nicole Hryciw - Treasure - Unanimous Yes

    • Julie Bowman - Volunteer Coordinator - Unanimous Yes

  • LPSG Positions that need to be filled:

    • Secretary Position.

    • Co positions for all board positions.

Closure / Adjournment: 4:20pm