General Meeting - May 3rd, 2023

GENERAL MEETING - May 3rd, 2023

-Lincoln Parent Staff Group (LPSG) General Meeting

-3:45p.m. May 3rd, Lincoln Playground

Start: 3:45pm


Arwen Flynn - President

Jennalee Garcia-Montero - Vice President

Allison Hooper - Secretary

Nicole Hryciw - Treasure

Jennifer Ward  - Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lindblom - Principal

Judit Torrents - FCRC coordinator

Harrison Bardo - Associate Principal

Officers Reports:

Treasurer - Nicole Hryciw

Bank Account Balance:

  • Current bank account balances: Checking - $19,627.74 / Savings - $10,018.76

  • $568.98 - Reserved for the 5th Grade Fund, from the Wreath Fundraiser.

  • $600.00 - LPSG donates to 5th Grade Celebration.

  • $3,319.00 - Reserved for Teacher Reimbursement Fund - Receipts need to be turned in by the end of the year.

  • $1,000.00 - Reserved for Teacher Appreciation Budget.

  • Available Funds: $24,158.48

Recent Expenses:

  • $83.40 - Logger Laps 

  • $224.65 - Movie Night

  • $14.00 - Student Store

  • $250.00 - Fish Tank Cleaning

Recent Income:

  • $132.35 - Movie Night

  • $53.57 - Kroger

  • Logger Laps donations still to come

Committee Reports:

Old / Past Events / Business:

Logger Laps

  • Total of 4,000 laps! 

  • Donations are still coming in, hoping to have all donations by the week of 5/08/23. 

  • C: Judit: Fundraiser was a positive experience for the kids spirit and health.

  • C: Jennalle: All Saints is interested in sponsoring a child from each grade next year.

  • C: Harrison: Incorporate some fun and silly incentives for next year’s logger laps prizes like slime the principal.

New / Upcoming Events / Business:

End Of The Year BBQ

  • C:Arwen - Need a lead to volunteer. A: Judit - Will take the lead with Jennifer Ward.

  • LPSG can cover the cost for the BBQ.

  • All Saints can help with volunteers.

Lincoln Listening Session:

  • Tuesday, May 9th 5pm-6pm

  • Dinner, childcare and interpreter provided

  • Encourages parents to give feedback on: 

    • Curriculum and the content kids learn.

    • School Safety.

    • Communication with students and parents.

    • How do students and parents feel at school?

  • C: Judit: Would like to continue next year. Likes getting feedback from parents and wants to make improvements where needed.

  • Some changes that have come from Parent concerns from the Listening sessions:

    • More staffing for the playground.

    • Non - gender bathrooms.

Rescheduled Family Dance:

  • Reschedule date 5/11/23.

  • Planning is going well.

  • Guests entering through NW doors.

  • Make sure all kids have a parent with them.

  • No in and out privileges.

Teacher Appreciation Week:

  • Planning is going well; something special setup for everyday of the week.

  • Looking for more volunteers to help set up.

LPSG Elections for 2023-2024:

  • Board members NOT returning for the year 2023-2024:

    • Jennifer Ward  - Not returning to Volunteer Coordinator

  • Allison Hooper - Not returning to Secretary

  • Megan Brannen - Not returning to Treasure

  • Returning Board Members - Voted In

    • Arwen Flynn - President - Unanimous Yes

    • Jennalee Garcia-Montero - Vice President - Unanimous Yes

    • Nicole Hryciw - Treasure - Unanimous Yes

    • Julie Bowman - Volunteer Coordinator - Unanimous Yes

  • LPSG Positions that need to be filled:

    • Secretary Position.

    • Co positions for all board positions.

Closure / Adjournment: 4:20pm