General Meeting - Jan 7, 2020

Meeting Minutes 

Lincoln Parent Staff Group (LPSG) General Meeting

6:36pm, Jan 7, Lincoln Elementary Library


Icebreaker: Teresa - What is one Holiday tradition or activity you or your family enjoys?

General Membership Participation:

Eric Gunderson - talked to Scott and Craig about ways to increase the rigor. Currently no Robotics program/club/team. Great Lego robotics competition that happens every year. Third through eighth grade? $900 to get involved. Too late for appropriate funds for this year. Learn about robotics and engineering at a young age. Maybe budget for next year. Each child’s parent needs to be involved and help facilitate. Not necessarily a lead. Goes from Lego Robotics to Microsoft First Robotics (Google it): Make a robot, throw a frisbee, shoot baskets, robot wars... Differentiate in the classroom. March 3rd official proposal due.

Q: 3rd grade and up?

A: Eric - Currently no math team could do a math competition with Lincoln hosting, can charge admission to watch to fundraise.

C: cost and volunteers.

Scott: Southgate not locked. No trespassing during school hours 8:30- 4pm. Most parents in attendance in favor of gates locked for safety during school hours.

Meeting Minutes: Review/Questions/Confirmation/Approval of minutes from previous meeting - Approved

Q: Liz - Formal thank you to parents for contributing to book fairs?

A: Teresa - Yes, something in the newsletter.

C: Liz - Need second register to help with sales

Officer Reports:

●      Treasurer - John Holmstrom - *the following is quoted from John’s notes*

“For November and December we had a combined income of $5,571.58 and expenses of $4.122.92. The income from November includes the remaining funds that were direct deposited from MyFunRun. There is also income from Fred Meyer, The Student Store and Spirit Wear.

Support Activities that we were involved in included donations to the McClatchy Family, in which we use the donations to purchase a Visa Gift Card. We also worked and supported the School's Thanksgiving Lunch 

Major November Expenses Included a purchase of Scooters, cones and spots for the P.E. Department, which came to $999.01, and a payment to Squarespace for our Web Site Services, which was $252.63. Other expenses included Child Care, School Store, Popcorn, and Spirit Wear (online spirit orders are not included here). 

December Income Included our Santa's Workshop which raised $2,794.46. of this income, $1,254.46 was based on square purchases.

The Square (not included here) Fees for this amounted to $39.04.

Donations for the Arts from the Christmas Program amounted to $513.42, of which $219.42 were donated by card through Square, with $6.58 in fees. Other income for the month included Student Store sales and Spirit Wear sales.

Expenses for December include $1823.92 for Santa's Workshop. This includes two reimbursement forms which I have received today, which have not yet been paid 

We also has a $500 fee for Tax Preparation paid to Integrated Tax Services for our 1023 EZ form, which will retroactively reinstate our 501c3 status. An additional fee of $275 will be charged by the IRS once the documents are processed.

In December, we also purchased a Galaxy Tab, to help us expedite volunteer sign ups and Square purchases. The cost was $246.45.

For the Art Classes, we purchased five sets of left-handed scissors and 30 painting aprons (I think it was 30), which amounted to $65.05.

We also incurred Expenses to the Para Fund of ($53.09) and a teacher stipend ($14.06), both of which were paid for Book Fair purchases, The only other expense was a fee from SquareSpace of $7.77 that was Incurred when they changed our Account Level.

Our On Point Checking Balance on December 31 was $33,009.97”

Q: Allison - Account for hardship funds for families in need? Individual contributions.

C: Lauren - Donate through LPSG is a tax write-off versus just giving money directly.


Teresa - Concerning budget to note: Don't spend more than you make in one year. Beginning of year backward projected to add only certain events and dip into savings as needed with a vote.


●      President - Teresa Vick

Beginning Nominating Process for 2020/21 LPSG officers. Job descriptions come from PTO today, timeline checklist. As you go guidelines. All rules open up next year. Co-positions and trainee. Have positions open now. Nomination forms online for yourself or someone else.


Q: Do they need to know their being nominated?

A: No.

Can be parents and staff as well. March 3rd general meeting. Voting in May.


○      5th Grade Committee - We have workerbee volunteers, but no leader to coordinate communications, decisions on celebrations, and spend money. LPSG gives funds to the 5th Grade Committee to help get started. We have no one to coordinate the planning. We have worker bees (at least 5 people), need a leader.


Q: Allison - If no one steps forward?

A: Teresa - No idea. Craig feels confident someone will step forward. Kirby - LPSG to possibly help to facilitate and do the basics.


C: Allison L. - volunteered to help even though she has no 5th grader. Important to see the tradition continue. Seems intimidating- she previously led the 5th Grade Celebration last year and it is a lot of work. Suggests that LPSG helps to help bring more people forward.


C: Lauren - Have done that in the past with starting the fundraising but people backed out of commitment and it flopped the day before and was frustrating that the set up went to waste.


○      Teresa - Canva (online flyer/marketing creator) - Our nonprofit status let us get it free. Pro account is cohesive and fast. Instagram posts, fliers...


Committee Reports:

Old/Past Events/Business

○      Santa’s Workshop - Lauren Staples and Katie Riley

Not open during class time because there were not enough volunteers. Did after performances for two nights. Mostly positive feedback. Some teachers missed having it during the day. Opened for SLC during the school day and for 1 hour after school each day for all students.

C: Amanda - Less tears this year because kids didn't have money in previous years. Fund set up during previous year for kids without money. Made more before during the school day, but at what cost? Other parents did night shift. Way more work in previous years.

John - Considering getting a card because of huge reimbursements. Personal cards were flagged while purchasing inventory. Amanda - vote in designated shoppers. Kaori - or break out cards for the big purchases.


○      Boxtops - Lauren Staples

$222 check from Box Tops. Has died down from the spring. Takes a lot of effort to get people on board. We're still earning some.


○      Teacher Appreciation (surprise Christmas spread) - Lauren Staples

Katie and Lauren set up snacks and drinks to encourage them to keep going.


New/Upcoming Events/Business

○      Daughter Event proposal  - Allison Laurenza and Amanda Wong

Teresa- Early this year we went through the events. Had to cut some things that we couldn't do on our own. Board members took on additional roles and committees.


Allison - She started Daughter Dance five years ago because there were not a lot of family events at the time. Girls look forward to it. They bring a father or mother and sometimes the whole family. The girls enjoy being catered to - being fed, music, and pictures. Gym is turned into a themed event. Dance with family and friends.


Amanda - Have a date and a theme. “Here’s the deal. We’re going to throw it, you guys can support us financially or not, or we can do it ourselves.”


John - What’s the budget?

Amanda - Don’t have a budget.  Usually we make money.


John - has figures from a couple years ago. Made money.

Amanda - Willing to put money up front. Hiccup currently is usually use WinCo donation to buy food to cook. Now not an option now.


Allison & Amanda - Charge $20 fee + Lorenza account which funds people unable to pay. Usually a child and a guardian. $5 for each additional child. Includes full picture package, dinner, and 3 hours of dancing and music. Last year American Girl Doll given out as a prize. Every girl got 1 ticket. Also gave out roses one year.


Katie - Asking about a budget not to say no but wanting as much information as possible.

Amanda - We don’t have one because usually the treasure would give us one. 

Katie - Ran into hiccup with kitchen not available during Son Event.

Lauren - Kitchen manager on site $39 per hour. The only fee aware of at this point. Would not let LPSG in kitchen to get water during Son Event. Food donated may not need manager, Olive garden.

Amanda - Girls donation dresses. Go to FCRC if can't pay and covered. 19th of March. Candyland theme.

Teresa - Questions?


Q: Katie - Option of inclusive to boys?

A: Teresa - From survey and general feedback. Individual surveys for each event about who the event is for and estimated attendance.  Amanda - 350 to 400 estimated attendance, if boys added we’re at max.


Teresa - compiled feedback at least addressing the LPSG mission and purpose. Surveys about Daughter Dance.


Lauren - most feedback is all good, people were commenting on wanting something for sons. We decided to not do a daughter dance, if daughter dance then we need a son event and how to fit in timeline.

Allison & Amanda - in year that started, Son event was just okay. Was much smaller than daughter dance. Each year smaller. Did bowling and a formal event which had even less attendance than bowling. Movie rights were purchased but was canceled due to lice outbreak.

Lauren - talked about the pros and cons and talked about making whole family event and possibly too many people.

Teresa - if selling tickets, can max to whatever number we want it to be.

Random conversations…

Teresa -  need to table conversation for now because now 7:33pm


○      February Krispy Kreme fundraiser - Katie Riley

Krispy Kreme fundraiser idea. Money Maker for schools. Valentine's day Friday pick up at end of day. Title 1 schools is an easy and fun fundraiser. Can also purchase extra for those without pre-orders.


○      Family Tech Talk Night proposal (sometime Feb - May) - Teresa

Katie (Lincoln learning digital coach) - Digital media iPad. One to one device grades. DigitalU Lessons. Safe, responsible, respectful. Screen limits. Protecting identity. Being careful on sites. Parenting Digital Natives. Co - plan. Digital communication. Works with students on lessons.

Teresa - Host here, pay for refreshments. Support what Lincoln already does. No volunteer hours needed. Guest speaker for free, read over PowerPoint.


○      McMenamin’s Night - Lauren Staples

Family light 50% of proceeds go back to the school. Includes alcohol purchases. No date set yet.


○      Carnival (end of school year) - skipping

No date set yet


○      Donor List & LNA Grant - Lori Gascon

$500 Grant in even numbered years, if we staff Easter Egg Hunt with 6-12 volunteers. Art department. Haven’t heard anything from anybody. February 1st deadline.


Q/C: Jessica B - What is the $500 going to go to? Arts in classrooms. Supplies costumes different classrooms do different things.

A: Allison - Doesn't matter specifically just for support of the school.


Donation / Grant list. Updated list go through to get gift cards for carnival. Amanda volunteers to help stuffing envelopes.


Q/C: Jen S.- Mail merge with stickers? Just for carnival or general fundrainsing?

A: For any donations. Master donation list.

Jen S - Engineering companies donations might want to donate, grant or volunteer?

Amanda - OnPoint will donate too.

Jen S. - Rather than going to  parents go to companies.


John, Kirby, Allison - Concerning daughter dance- not a no go just need to figure out a budget, forecast, timing , placing, and will get an official response in 2 weeks. General consensus is we’re in favor. No no’s and just general concerns. 



7:45 pm -  Meeting adjourned and gift card raffled.


Next General Meeting - March, 3, 6:30-7:30pm