General Meeting - May 2018

Lincoln Parent Staff Group

General Meeting May 1st, 2018

Start - 5:48 p.m.

sheet passed


Introduction from all in attendance

Principal's report - Craig Homnick

Getting a half-time Associate principal next year named Greg Roberts coming from McLoughlin Middle School as an (currently an administrative intern).

Full swing with State assessments. Giving the assessment in much smaller groups. Stressing to the kids to not give up when the questions are hard. Pulling 50 to 75% of the kids out of the regular classroom and putting them in Logger Camp room, 3rd and 5th grade on iPads.

Q: Did we get assistant principal according to size or Title I?

A: Not all schools got assistant principals. There are maybe 3 or 4 schools that don't have administrative support, but some got additional support, Sarah J. Anderson, which has 1 1/2 associates in addition to principal.

FCRC report: Enrique Munoz-Garcia

Been able to kick off Watch DOGS Program again. Having about 2 Watch DOGS per week.

3 Lunch Buddies in October, now there are 19.

Family Fitness night - 133 people in attendance.

Says he tries to always make known the resources in the FCRC Room when he has encounters with parent/grandparents/guardians. Resources that are available there of emergency, of urgency.

Evening preschool. Dinner provided. Tollefson & Jennalee teaching the class, Mrs. Green assisting. May 7th -June 7th on Mondays and Thursdays. Still accepting registration. 12 registered already.

Q: Does Lincoln need to be the homeschool for the child? A: yes.

Q : What's the cap? A: 15 total. There are 3 spots left.

May 30th - Kinder and 1st grade classes. For families, Hungry Caterpillar theme. For parents to connect with teachers & have a good time. Different work stations, math, & family oriented activities. 6 - 7:30 p.m. Evening preschool families also invited.

Q: Does a board member need to be present? A: No

Summer Free Lunch Program. For families in the Lincoln Neighborhood. Google form sent out for registration. So far 22 Families said yes. 3 days a week. With Trinity Lutheran & Share. Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays. June 25th - July 27th.

Noche Familia/Family night Spanish-speaking families. May 5th/Cinco de Mayo . Based on a passed event, he wants to reach out to those same families again. 6 to 8:30 p.m.

C: Evening preschool program is piloted in a few schools. It is donor-funded by someone in the community. Buying dinner for the kids, hiring teachers, and paras to help out.

Q: Night for the parents to do crafts? A: Every night. A portion of that time will be for parents & kids to do an activity together.

Teacher Update

Kristen Andre -

Literacy Night - need volunteers. Setting up at 5:30 p.m. Event at 6 to 7:30. Clean up from 7:30 to 8. Should have 10-11 stations. Stations run by volunteers so that teacher can mingle with parents. All activities will connect back to the book. May 30th. Food will be provided. Participants will get a bag to take home and book. No sign-up needed.

Q: For siblings too? A: yes

Liberty -

LPSG applied for and received a "Read with me Grant" from iQ Credit Union. Working with Denise Lewis to pick out books. They have a partnership with Scholastic for discounted books. List will be provided to them but not enough awarded for a classroom set. May have a contest focused on science towards end of year. More info TBD later. First time applying for this grant.

Old business

Liberty - at 6:05 p.m.

Last meeting Voted Jo in as treasurer because previous treasured stepped down. (Handed out budget for review)

Jo -

To be put on the bank account, there are protocols. She hasn't been able to go through deposits. Checks were entered in. Budget not totally accurate. Teachers have been paid and carnival accounted for. Will be updating with bank statements.

Liberty -

(voted to approve budget)

Q: 5th grade farewell party, is there money for the 5th grade farewell? A: Will get covered by LPSG. Previous fundraising only bought in approximately $52. So we will use McMenamin's funds portion. Probably no t-shirts, kids are okay with that. Little 5th Grade communication. We planned inflatables, food, yearbook, and DJ. There is a plan and everything was reserved last year. We do had some funds that will be transferred to cover it. Will likely be an option for 5th graders to bring in a plain white t-shirt to tie-dye and sign.

$6-7 per t-shirt option presented by person in audience.

Kids voted no, but could have option to buy a t-shirt.

(Vote: budget approved)

New business

Liberty -

Last year had issues in the budget where it would have been nice to put funds towards a family, soo that kids would have funds to use in Santa's workshop. Teacher's gave their own money for kids to spend. Would like to add a benevolence fund line item to the budget for that.

After school Arts program, would like to have a line item for organizations want to donate through grants to have a dedicated place for that. Also for parents who want to donate. Needs approval.

(Vote to add benevolence fund line item and after school arts)

Q: What amount of money in benevolence fund? A: We would have to decide that going forward for next year. It would not be added this year. People have asked to make donations, so it might be a line item where the is no budget, but a line for donations, a placeholder with no set dollar amount. We did a "year end giving campaign", but we didn't have the item as an option.

(Vote: line items approved)

Teacher Appreciation Week May 7th through 11th

Have couple fun planned activities for staff.

Breakfast, lunch, Costco providing. A gift from PTO today - provided a goodie bags. Parents want to recognize their own child's teacher. We recognize all staff for teacher appreciation.

Q: Need support or volunteers? A: No volunteers needed for this event.

Q: Sign ups for food? A: Only in the fall. Donated fruit last year and thank you cards.

Fun Run

Next week is Fun Run benefiting the arts and the after school arts program. May 9th. Company we're using has electronic bracelets and provides staff. Run in the morning before lunch. We get 70% of funds. We did not like the flyer and will redo it next year.

Carnival on June 8th

Old fashioned carnival theme. Last year was Seuss theme, year before that was Luau.

Flyers going home soon. Activities and raffle basket theme basket divided by grade.

LPSG need volunteers. Setup and teardown. Tickets and Replacements for no shows.

Explain briefly how carnival works. Same info will be sent home soon.

We are collecting raffle donations. Donating is tax-deductible, but has to be for a tangible object and not a service to be tax deductible.

Will be from 5-730pm.

Need volunteers for decorations.

Cake/book Walk. donate can win a book or a cake

5th grade promotion

14th& 15th of June. Friday the 15th is an early release day. 15th is party from 11am-1pm.

Inflatable obstacle course reserved, DJ reserved, menu is set. There will be a request for food donations to supplement like last year. Requests for food donating will not go out until after the carnival.

Since we spent so much money and time on the cake walk, we will blend into a "Cake & Book Walk". Parents asked to donate new or used books. Kids can will a book or a cake of their choosing. Changed due to dietary needs/concerns from home-baked goods.

Promotion is 2-3:30pm.

Needs for promotion:

Promotion ceremony slideshow

Promotion program and certificates

Promotion refreshments

Combo of 4th and 5th parents to work on above points.

Someone to volunteer to do program, certificates, refreshments(for 5th grade)- Nicole Taylor volunteered to do these.

Needed someone to head up the fifth grade next year. - Nicole Taylor volunteered.

C: Get fifth grade shirts at beginning of the new year next year. Ask kids what the want for the following year. A: yes - Nicole Taylor will do this. And will get names from Craig. Sara will help where needed.

Q: Slide show? A: Nicole Taylor will put together. Will gather photos. Cassidy will help.

For 4th grade parents fyi: we usually do t-shirts, yearbooks, plan a party, and a 5th grade farewell. Usually meet up every month to plan.

Q: Permission slip for pictures for slideshow? A: We have opt-outs instead.

Q: Money for refreshments or do we need donations? A: If you can get some that’s great. Have access to Costco donations & LPSG will cover. Already used Safeway donation.

Board member voting:

Commitment of 1 hour every other month for general meetings, kids welcome/childcare provided.

Board meeting every other month at board member's house, also kids welcome.

Very flexible if you can't make meeting. Can also participate by calling in on speakerphone.

Ideally we need 3 people for each position.

Explanations of board member's individual duties.

Treasurer: Cannot serve more than 2 years. Detail oriented. Background in finance or bookkeeping.

Vice President: Supports Co-presidents. Facebook posts, emails, keeping teachers informed. Classroom parent liaison.

Secretary: Takes notes, minutes for the meetings, newsletter.

Volunteer coordinator: Reaching out to parents when it's time for events, follow up reminders with volunteer who have committed to an event. Use Sign-up Genius.

New members and new positions can be voted in at *any* General Meeting if there is interest. Some boards keep a position called "Past President" not lead person, but on call as needed.

Minimal time requirement, can have a full time job, can bring your kids.

voting : Approved Board Members

Board Members for 2018-19 school year:



Amanda - new/returning

Eleanor - new

Co-Vice Presidents:

Liz - new

Karen - new



Teresa - new



Co-Volunteer Coordinators:



Coffee Gift Card Drawing Winners: Kirby & Karen