Morning Greeter

Have you noticed our morning greeter at Lincoln every morning? Well your children sure have. Wayne MacLean has taken the initiative this year of greeting all Lincoln students at the entrance every morning. He is out front every single morning. Children are greeted with a fist bump, high-five, hand-shake, or wave, accompanied by a huge smile and boisterous "Good Morning!" Some mornings that "good" is drawn out as long as possible, for silly effect. Often times upbeat and uplifting music is played. What an amazingly positive way for our children to start their learning day!

Wayne is a former Lincoln parent, and his wife Judy was a para educator at Lincoln for many years. He lives in the neighborhood and walks to and from work each day, even with his Parkinson's disease. He is a veteran of the US Navy and a very proud American. He donated to our school the US flag that is currently up at the front of Lincoln, because he noticed that our old flag was torn. He loves the kids and until this year, had volunteered both in the library at Lincoln and also on patrol around the school.

Wayne's volunteering in this manner is especially meaningful to me on days when, as a parent, I have experienced those mornings when I regret my impatient last words to my children in a rush to get them out of the door on time. Knowing Wayne will greet my children every morning with a smile warms my heart, giving my children another chance at having a great start to their day, despite those occasional harried mornings. It's little actions like this by people and parents in our community, that can have a huge positive impact on our students.

If you have an extra minute one morning, please let Wayne know how much you appreciate his time and dedication to our children in making sure each of them has a positive start to their day every single morning.