General Meeting - Sept 3, 2019

Lincoln Parent Staff Group General Meeting 

6:30 p.m. September 3rd, Lincoln Elementary Library 

Welcome and Introductions

5 minutes comments/suggestions/ideas from general members 

  • Drop off and how kindergarteners are getting to the gym. Using Mr. Watkins and 5th grade patrol to escort them. Helps so that parents are not taking kids directly to the classrooms or gym. 

  • Someone asked for an overview of what the meeting is for. Teresa - this is a general meeting. They happen every other month. We are a PTO not a PTA which is a national organization. No membership dues and everyone is automatically a member. Everyone has a voice and a vote. Explains everything on the agenda. Explained “Robert's Rules of Orders”

Confirmation/approval of minutes of previous meeting - approved

Principal’s Report - Craig Homnick 

  • Good and normal start to the school year. 

  • Kids are figuring things out. Working on building relationships, teaching procedures (walking in the hallways & anchoring), expectations in locations - cafeteria, playground and bus. Went well. Assistant principal -  Scott Sartorius coordinated that effort. 

FCRC Report - Judit Torrents - New FCRC Coordinator

  • Liaison for families, clothing, school supplies, housing, employment, utility assistance. Goal is family engagement. Help support and organize events for families and youth enrichment,  programs like Watch Dogs and lunch buddies.

Teachers Report - Jessica Blatt & Jennalee Garcia Montero

  • Jenalee - Kindergarten jumpstart. 40 students. Jumpstart was 10 days. Kids got to know teachers. Families Home Connection Conferences -  meet with parents through September. i-Ready testing window starting next week in the computer lab.

  • Jessica Blatt - 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade doing the same. i-Ready testing as early as possible to intervene as early as possible in reading and math.

  • Eric Smith - Sees all the kids. Camaraderie in the kids, home-like atmosphere, kids are comfortable and showing up to school excited and willing to step up more than they normally would. Having the same staff as the last few years is making it close as a group and work well together. Best start ever at Lincoln.

Treasurer's Report - John Holmstrom 

  • Finish the fiscal year which runs August 1st through September 31st. ITS (Intergrated Tax Service) in downtown - Lauren Cousins is contact. 

  • Just keeping an eye on money, bills paid, people reimbursed, and taxes.

  • September 1st started $32,000. $8,000 loss. Used to make the new budget. Cutting things, adding new things to help the budget.

  • $600 budgeted to 5th grade.

  • We're in a rebuilding year for the Board.

  • Tentative budget based on numbers from the last three years numbers.

Teresa - We can vote on it as with a deficit and hope to have new parents leaders who want to spearhead fundraising some of this can be offset. Or are we going to spend from reserves? 

  • Fundraising need to take charge or specific fundraiser.

Question: Jessica. How are school support totals calculated. Huge expense and very little income? Answer: Lifetouch (School Pictures), Barbecue and entertainment, Ice Cream Social, Art, Teacher Appreciation, Welcome Back Breakfast, Teacher Potluck during conferences.

  • Eric - Does Art have its own line item? We are still figuring it out.

  • Holiday programs, musicals, Lincoln Neighborhood Association - $500 from community for 2020. Need to know what $500 is being used for, need volunteers for Easter egg hunt.

Question: Can individual donors make designated donations? Could get hard to track and manage.

Vote: Do we take a deficit this year? Cutting things with the hope to have more fundraisers. All in favor.

Officers Report - Teresa

  • Working on organizing processes in place, records, public and accessible. Getting teacher materials in place.

  • Currently no chair for Daughter event, Son events, 5th grade. Will be cut if no parent participation.

  • Google G-Suite for nonprofits free. Old LPSG email was a personal account, switched to G-Suite. Gives Drive account. Info can be passed to future board members. Permissions can be passed on as well. Most things are on the website.

  • Organization 

    • Bylaws 

    • Processes and procedures 

    • Future board institutional knowledge 

  • Co-volunteer coordinator Kirby and Nick 

    • Classroom pod parents  - a contact person in each classroom. Carnival.

Committee reports 

Old/Past events/Business 

  • Stuffing student folders 

  • Back to school staff breakfast on the 22nd.

  • Back to School Ice Cream Social Open House -  John Holmstrom or Nick Evans 

    • 450 bars of ice cream, 50 popsicles. $102 for all of the ice cream. 4 cases of 12 were left over. Supported by the LPSG.

New/Upcoming events/Business 

  • Payback Books Fundraiser -Teresa. First fundraising event, teacher stipends, comes from the general funds. Assembly on Thursday. Payback book demonstration. Half of cost goes back to Lincoln, goes home on Friday, share it now. Two full weeks plus two weekends. Any extras no later than October 4th. Books not sold need to be returned.

  • Fun Run (general fundraising) - Eric Smith. Katrina Hoover came up with the schedule, last fun run was very good. Small upfront fee. Three different stations on Tuesday. Will make online database, Facebook link, $10 per kid goal, 390 students could make $4,000. Cash or check. We keep 100% of the CASH proceeds. Spreadsheet of names to have on web page. Health fitness and creative movement, facilitate what teachers need. Fundraising in October.

  • Fun Run is general fundraising.

  • Scholastic's Book Fair benefiting School library - LPSG supports it with volunteers. October 17th and 18th in the library. We provide board members to take funds.

  • Teacher Appreciation - Conferences/Favorite Things Book - Lauren  - binder for teacher info. 

  • Conferences - Usually a potluck. Reaching out to businesses to donate food. Katie Riley is lead. On the 17th of October, need volunteers to set up.

  • Box tops Lauren - need a coordinator to lead. Basket to win, new app, no clipping, save receipt.

  • A Title I School could make $10,000.

  • Fred Meyer Rewards - Reach out to Trinity Lutheran.

Closure/Adjournment - meeting ends at 7:43 p.m.