General Meeting - June 4, 2019

Lincoln Parent Staff Group

Minutes - General Meeting - December 4th 2018


Principles Report (Craig Homnick):

2 Levy's on the February ballot - to maintain programs and services

  • Education and operations levy (funds things like classroom supplies, text books, equipment, programs, special services, sports, extracurricular activities....etc.)

  • Technology Levy (would maintain or renew the iPads in grades 3 through 5 and laptops in grades 3 through 12. For years 2020-2025

  • No new taxes. Just to maintain programs and services that we already have in place.

Q: are these levies that expire?

A: these are expiring 2019. These will be in effect 2020-2023.


  • Haven't lost a levy for VPS since 1964. Lincoln neighborhood typically the higher yes votes in all of Vancouver public schools. Technology Levy is going to be $0.31 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The education and operations Levy is a dollar fifty per thousand dollar of assessed property value. These two levies are up for vote in February. Need two parents on Monday December 17th, 4 to 5 p.m. at warehouse 23 - citizens committee for good schools will be there.


  • Still a Title I School. Means that more than 50% of our kids qualify for free or reduced lunch, allows for extra money to have more para-educators. One of the requirements is to have a parent participation plan. *Read plan aloud*.


Minutes from last meeting in October approved.


FCRC report: Enrique is not present.

  • The giving tree: Christmas tree in front lobby has warm accessories like gloves and hats. Up until the 20th of December. The donations will be distributed to Lincoln students and the Salvation Army.

  • Fiesta Navideña: December 13th. For Hispanic families, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., on the 13th.

  • Winter food boxes: December 21st will distribute. Food, clothing items, household, and hygiene items. Contact Enrique or he will be in contact with families.

Q: Does he need donations?

A: canned food drive goes towards this. Trinity Lutheran supplements since Lincoln donations have been very inconsistent. Someone suggested doing a raffle for can goods. Lincoln swag.


Teacher update:

  • Holding a holiday performance during the daytime so that students can see their classmate perform. For students and parents who can't make it at night can be present during the day. 

  • Literacy night for preschool through 1st grade, February 21st, 6 to 8 p.m.

  • Students are now involved in the morning announcements. Usually it's live on the PA but now it's pre-recorded video, utilizing green screen, and editing is done on the iPads. Fourth and fifth graders will begin editing their own videos.

Q: Can parents see the videos.

A: Not currently. Someone suggested showing the videos during literacy night/performance.


LPSG Updates:

  • Scholastic book Fair: We did very well. Approximately $3,400 made, $200 bonus, and if Mrs. Lewis decided to do another book fair she would receive a larger percentage or BOGO. Was 50/50 it would go up to 65/35.Usually we do the Barnes & Noble book fair but it's a lot of work for the teachers and to also put on student performances. Worked very well to do it during the conferences. Vancouver Pizza company coupons were also very popular.


Spirit Wear:

  • A few weeks ago we ran in online spirit wear store. We sold 51 items over the course of two or three weeks. We hope to get them before Christmas break. Should arrive at the school on the 10th of December. Will do it again in the spring.


Box Tops:

  • Fall box tops raised $226 which is more than we made all last year. There will be another submission in the spring.


Fifth Grade Promotion:

  • Did a licorice sale. Supplies were $48.67, made $73.25. 1 1/2 tubs of licorice left oh, we'll probably do another one soon. Tried bath bombs. 12 kids participated and they sold $1,328 worth. The profit was $531.20. Waiting to receive the check from bath bomb people. The kids also receive their t-shirts. In January they'll have another 5th grade meeting. Amanda mentioned that everything is already booked. Ian needs to be called because the dates changed. DJ is not done. Photo booth and speaker still in question. They have about $700 after fundraising.



Santa's Workshop:

  • Being held in the library. On a Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Need volunteers and Wednesday and Thursday in the evenings.


Daughter Dance:

  • Enchanted Forest theme, January 24th a Thursday night. If families can't afford to go contact Enrique. There will also be donated dresses.

Q: Do we have any plans for a Son Event?

A: There is a date set aside. Someone suggested science theme, someone else suggested bowling. Long discussion about hosting sun event at a bowling alley... pros and cons. Food and bowling cost was an issue. it was suggested to just do a party package at the bowling alley. Also talked about getting licensing to view movies at the school since we are charging for the event.